Friday, May 20, 2011

I Now Have A Couple Followers!

What a great feeling to have someone following me now because it helps me feel like I'm not talking to myself anymore..:)

I would love to have links to your shops if you have any and would also love to hear what you are up to.

All suggestions and advice is welcome to help me along the way to hopefully increase my followers.  I feel kind of like I'm hijacking people when I do the Saturday blog hop because It seems that some just follows me because I follow them.  I do hope that each and everyone of my followers takes a minute or two to check out my blog and give some feedback on it.

Well I'm gonna go for now because I joined a 30day site for $7.00 trial to learn about Internet Marketing. Something that I have been interested in for the past few years.

Have a great wknd everyone and have fun.

A great free website builder here if you're interested.

Saturday, May 14, 2011

Blog Surfing

Wow! I can't believe how many blogs are out there, and such a variety.

I must say that my blog looks a bit sad compared to the many that are out there, But I am following a few blogs to try and get some guidance and hopefully that will spruce up my blog too.

I am 55 and will be checking out things that I think are good, helpful, and of course beneficial to our health, so hang in there while I learn along the way.

Any comments are welcome and surely advice is welcomed with open arms.

And to go without saying I love to create, design, re-cycle and up-cycle.

A question to anyone who would be nice enough to do I put in a signature??

Well, gotta go for now to surf through many blogs and maybe I'll find the answer along the way.

Enjoy your Saturday everyone.

Talk soon.


P.S. If you are interested in a Free Website Builder Here is a great option. It's Free what have you got to loose.

Sunday, May 1, 2011

Piles of Trials

What a funny and odd title, right?

The name just popped into my head because I am having so much trouble understanding how to upload items to my blog. I feel like an idiot.

I look at other beautiful blogs and feel, why can't I do that to mine, or, how the heck can I do things like that.

It seems simple enough to try and add a picture right here where I am posting, so I'll try and do that right now and see what happens.

Here goes, 
Oh my goodness! I can't believe I actually did it. What must have I been doing wrong in the past?

I am so glad that I gave it another try. I just hope it works as well when I am surfing and looking at some beautiful workmanship that I'd like to add. I'll just add a different view above. Hey pretty good. :)

I hope you have been enjoying your weekend and are getting ready to go and vote tomorrow, if you live in Canada.

Well before I go I wanted to mention that the picture I added is of a pretty lace flower that I made with lace, gold netting and copper wire. You can have a better look here in my shop on Artfire.

I'd love to hear from you and see what you're up to, and I'd be happy to display your work on my blog.

See ya soon,

Visual imaginaries