Saturday, February 27, 2010


How's your weekend going? Hope all is well with your shop if you have one on the go, and 
I just wanted to drop a line to let you know that there is another Great place for Handmade* Artisans.

It's pretty much the same rules that apply to "Artfire" and "Etsy".

You can get a Free account*, or upgrade to a monthly fee for added customization.

Of course I have added a shop here at Zibbet~ because I figure, the more the better. :)
Especially since there is no cost, I'm sure it won't hurt sales.

Well, I've got to get back to my other interest in trying to become a top Affiliate Marketer,
and if by any chance you are also interested in earning an income online, please
check out my other Blog* where I hope my posts can help you save time and* money.

Enjoy the rest of your weekend.

Always* here to help,
Visual imaginaries

Monday, February 15, 2010

What's Next On The List?

Let's see, there's St. Patrick's Day, Easter, and Spring. So much to do, so little time.

I've started making a couple of things for Easter, then it came to mind that maybe I should make a thing or two for St. Patrick's Day. 

I know the Irish take it seriously when it comes to celebrating St. Patrick's, so maybe making something that they can pin to their hat would be a good idea.

I've added a new banner to my >>Shop and had fun while doing it.

I figured with Spring slowly getting ready for it's arrival, now would be a good time to make more flowers. I love flowers!

How's everything going with You?  What have You made lately?, and how are Your sales going?

Do enjoy "Family Day" and even if you stay home to relax, maybe you can catch some of the Olympics and watch Canada win more "GOLD".

*Change of subject -- I've been working on designing a website to further follow my dream of working Full Time from home. I'm doing Affiliate Marketing, something that might interest you if you're looking to create another stream of income. 

"Never put your eggs in one basket" so the saying goes.

Talk soon.
Always*here to help
Visual Imaginaries