Thursday, January 28, 2010

Valentines Day ~

Just wanted to add a post to remind people again that before you know it,
Valentines Day* will be here.

If you're busy like the rest of us, the easiest way to help you would be to

suggest checking out many handmade gifts that can be wrapped and shipped right to the door
of Your Sweetheart! 
What an extra special surprise it will be when the package arrives.  Everyone loves getting gifts.

Easily shop online at ~LauraBelle~ and then take a bit of time to look at All the other shops with
Handmade items from A-Z.

Change of Note* ...I'm still trying to get my industrial machine set up properly. It's a vintage machineand I am finding it hard to get any kind of set up booklets from suppliers. :(

I'll give it the rest of this week, and if I can't set up the machine then I'm going to have to consider
getting a new one. Not in my current budget though!

Hope everyone is Happy.~

What are You into?

Have a great weekend 
Visual Imaginaries

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