Friday, October 8, 2010

S O R R Y....

Yes that is the title of my blog post today, because if you look at when I posted last then you might understand why I'm saying sorry.

I am so upset with myself because I have worked hard for a couple of years to set up a blog and a shop online where I post things that I make.

The biggest problem with that is, because I am also trying to set up a website for something different altogether I have taken way too much on at one time and can't spend enough time on one thing to try and be successful .

It's very self explainitory the comment of...."Jack of all trades, Master of none".

Shit..(sorry about that) ..I still can't stay focused on one thing and follow it through.  What the heck is the matter with me????   I truely get distracted by "shiny things" because I want to learn and understand Everything!!

RIGHT NOW, Here, I am going to Change all of this! I am going make a list of daily things to do, then include posting to my blog at least TWICE a week!

The reason I am so upset is because I had a visitor who was nice enough to join as my First subscriber and leave a commet. BUT it took me over 3 weeks to respond because I was too busy opening and reading the hundreds of emails that I get instead of paying attention to the more important things that I have going on.
(and then I wonder why no one joins my blog).

I just wanted to publicly appologize to Sandra for my rudeness and hope you will come back to visit and share your interests with me.

Take a moment and check out her awesome site Here.

Happy Thanksgiving  Everyone.

Hearts n Hugs

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