How's your weekend going? Hope all is well with your shop if you have one on the go, and
I just wanted to drop a line to let you know that there is another Great place for Handmade* Artisans.
It's pretty much the same rules that apply to "Artfire" and "Etsy".
You can get a Free account*, or upgrade to a monthly fee for added customization.
Of course I have added a shop here at Zibbet~ because I figure, the more the better. :)
Especially since there is no cost, I'm sure it won't hurt sales.
Well, I've got to get back to my other interest in trying to become a top Affiliate Marketer,
and if by any chance you are also interested in earning an income online, please
check out my other Blog* where I hope my posts can help you save time and* money.
Enjoy the rest of your weekend.
Always* here to help,
Visual imaginaries
Visual imaginaries