Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Adding The Finishing Touches*

What I've been doing the last couple of days is pull out my stash of projects that I started and then I would get distracted forgetting about the initial project I started.

Even now as I'm doing this entry, I'm thinking of what creation I going to start on. By that I mean what project will I be adding the finishing touches to so I can get it listed in my shop.

I always try to make a few items for the special days of the year which I have no problem with stock if I would just finish what I start and stop getting distracted.

I had made a bunny head out of copper wire almost two Easter's ago and have just finished it to my satisfaction. 

Can you believe that?   I just need to take pictures and upload them to the shop. Yeah! I'm staying on track for once.  It turned out pretty nice if I do say so myself.

Once I get it uploaded to the shop, I'll come back and add a link here too.

I still don't have any one following my blog, and I don't know what happened to pictures I had uploaded to this blog. 

I do find it hard trying to keep up with my shop, blog and a website that I'm still trying to get started, but I'm not a quitter so I'll just keep on trucking.

I'd love to hear from someone to find out what you are up to and if you are an artisan of some kind.  I'd love to see what you make.  So please do drop a link.

Until next time be well and successful.
laurabelle ~ Visual imaginaries

Saturday, February 12, 2011

New Year New Ideas

Well here I am sitting at my computer and finally posting to my blog. Gee I still have too many things on my plate that I can't keep up with them all. :)

I have been working on my shop as much as I can, but due to some health issues I get set behind and then try to catch up.

I have made a few sales here and there but not near to where I would like.

If I had a car I would go set up at some flea markets because I think that would be fun. You know meeting a large variety of different people in one day.

What I will do this summer is travel around the city and try to get some of my creations into a few stores, maybe on consignment or some kind of deal.

If there is anyone out there that already does something like that I would love to hear from you to learn a few tricks of the trade.

I hope all is going well with you and your creating. I would love to see what you are making, so if you get a chance please drop a line and even better drop a picture.

Well, until next well and successful.
