Saturday, July 10, 2010

Starting To List NEW Creations.

I have about 7 completed projects that are waiting to be listed in my shop, but just don't get enough time to do it.

There are a couple of items that I listed

I want to do it so bad because I know someone out there is going to love the bags I made from a long plaid skirt.

They turned out so much better than I expected. :)

I would Love to see what You have been making and invite You to join my Blog so that we can follow each other.

Did You get a chance to join the contest with "Singer" ?  I know it closed at the end of June but was wondering if anyone knows who won the beautiful sewing machine for first prize.?

It's so late right now and I promised myself that I would go to be earlier than last night. If I do so, then I will be better rested for tomorrow.


Talk Soon.

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